such a long, long time back...
Way back in the days when the grass was still green
and the pond was still wet
and the clouds were still clean,
and the song of the Swomee-Swans rang out in space...
one morning, I came to this glorious place.
And I first saw the trees!"
- Dr. Seuss
Big and I had a date this morning for "Its my park day!" It’s My Park! Day is an annual community service day focused on improvements to Austin’s park system. We were at a park downtown where Mobile Loaves & Fishes distributes food to the homeless. After scooping and spreading mulch for 3 hours, we were beat. The live music and great snack kept us going but the greatest reward was seeing how beautiful the park was once we were done. And I was lucky enough to run into Jerry again, a homeless man I met while serving Christmas dinner downtown. He shook Big's hand and helped us load the wheelbarrow and tools into the truck. He has a killer smile (and story)!
After a quick and much needed shower, we grabbed Little and headed to the library for Dr. Seuss's birthday celebration. Art, crafts, and games kept the kids busy until Joe McDermott took the stage. The kids danced liked crazy and are ready for bed as much as I am now.