He had a great time. "Our farm is better" and "we went on a hay ride" were the only comments I could get out of him. He did confess to falling asleep on the bus ride home.
Yellow Bus
Big had his first field trip Friday to a farm located outside of Austin. The entire kindergarten loaded on the yellow school buses while parents followed behind. "No siblings" was politely enforced so I had to stay home with the other 2 and count on my new mom friends to keep and eye out for Big and take some photos.
He had a great time. "Our farm is better" and "we went on a hay ride" were the only comments I could get out of him. He did confess to falling asleep on the bus ride home.
He had a great time. "Our farm is better" and "we went on a hay ride" were the only comments I could get out of him. He did confess to falling asleep on the bus ride home.