Earn your candy!

What better way to start off this candy filled day other than a race in 40 degree weather. Our church hosts an annual 5K and 1K to raise money for the new church building. Little was the only one who volunteered to run with me. He rocked and rolled in the kid's 1K race and was very proud of his gold medal.

It was not so fun for me...rather than 'what goes up, must come down' is 'what goes down, must come up' while running in Austin. The hills were a killer and between mile 1 and 2 it was nothing but straight uphill, and a steep incline too! 9 minute mile my first mile (my typical pace) and 14 minutes for the second. Thank goodness this was a short race. I crossed the finish line a few seconds over 30 minutes.

Happy Halloween everyone...be safe!

2 down...

...and only 1 more to go! I was planning on keeping Little home until after the holidays. I would then sign him up at our church preschool 2 days a week until summer. But he has been "boring" as he calls it ever since Big started kinder. He expressed his interest on starting preschool now, 5 days a week. Not ready to lose all my kids at once we compromised and he started today, going 3 days a week. Now Ms. Pink and I will have some 1-on-1 time for tea parties, baking for her dollies, and what ever else you do with a girl.

Izzoz Tacos

Austin is known for their Streamline Trailer restaurants and brightly painted taco stands all over the city. This morning we headed to South 1st street to feast at Izzoz Tacos, "where good friends make tacos and good tacos make friends." The loaded tortilla was to die for and the kids had a ball playing with all the toys provided. A hula-hoop, washers, horseshoes, and a few push cars kept them entertained while we enjoyed our breakfast and coffee on a beautiful morning.

Carnival Coupons

One of those days you look at the bag filled with small plastic toys and think "we spent $40 on what?" But the kids had a blast and I was able to meet tons of kids and moms in Big's class. The Fall Carnival kept our afternoon full of pony rides, face painting, silly games where 'everyone is a winner,' countless snow cones, and races on the inflatable obstacle course.

Yellow Bus

Big had his first field trip Friday to a farm located outside of Austin. The entire kindergarten loaded on the yellow school buses while parents followed behind. "No siblings" was politely enforced so I had to stay home with the other 2 and count on my new mom friends to keep and eye out for Big and take some photos.

He had a great time. "Our farm is better" and "we went on a hay ride" were the only comments I could get out of him. He did confess to falling asleep on the bus ride home.

Patch...Take 2

2 kids that is...I am still getting used to only having 2 kids in tow during the day. Monday we met our cousins at a pumpkin patch for some fall festivities. We were all sad not having Big with us but managed to have fun and "pick" a few pumpkins for him.

Kinder Boy

Big had his first day of Kindergarten a week ago. He did great...much better than me! The initial good bye was hard for both of us, but he loves it now. We are getting our daily routine down and have yet to be late (0745 = school starts).

The other 2 are still lost without him. Ms. Pink will still ask every 30 minutes where he is and Little was caught sleeping on the stairs the other day.

Ode to BOB

No, I don't have the time nor the energy to start yet another blog...but I could not let a day this important pass. A character in my first blog, wheels with more miles than many cars their first few years, deserving his own passport while joining us on many vacations, always won by a arms length in every race, and most importantly helped me, Big, and Little survive Finland...Big Blue BOB.

Yes, I am speaking of a stroller but not any stroller. A stroller that was part of our family and considered a real member for 2 years. He traveled to Germany, Sweden, and the Arctic Circle with us. Ran numerous races. Even made it on TV the last Dallas Turkey Trot. He was Little's first and probably last stroller ride.

He is gone. Given to a sweet family that hopefully gets as much joy out of him as we did. After collecting dust the past 2 years, I have realized my chances of having kids 14 months apart again is pretty much gone. So time to share the love...

Here's to Big Blue BOB. Thanks for all the memories! We will never forget you.